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Train Your Chickens to Come When Called: A Step-by-Step Guide

a dog lying on the grass

Chickens are intelligent animals and can be trained to do a variety of tasks, including coming when called. Not only is this a fun party trick, but it can also come in handy if you need to gather your flock quickly. Here’s how to train your chickens to come when called.

Step 1: Choose a Sound

Start by choosing a specific sound to use as your chicken call. This can be anything from a whistle to a song, as long as it’s consistent and distinct.

Step 2: Use Positive Reinforcement

Chickens respond best to positive reinforcement, so make sure to reward your birds with treats when they come to you. Start by calling your chickens while they’re already in a relaxed state, such as when they’re eating or sunbathing.

Step 3: Practice Regularly

Consistency is key when training chickens. Practice calling your chickens at the same time every day, and make sure to reward them when they come to you.

Step 4: Gradually Increase Distance

Once your chickens are consistently coming to you when called, gradually increase the distance between you and your flock. This will help your chickens learn to recognize your call from farther away.

Step 5: Add a Command

Once your chickens are responding to your call, you can add a command to the routine. This can be anything from “come” to “here girls”. Just make sure to use the same command every time.

Step 6: Be Patient

Training chickens takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if your chickens don’t respond right away, and be sure to reward even small improvements.

By following these steps and using positive reinforcement, you can train your chickens to come when called in no time. Not only is it a fun trick, but it can also help you keep your flock safe and happy.